A Guide to Silencing the Voice in Your Head

In this article I will lay the groundwork on how to stop overthinking and how to overcome the influence the voice in your head has on you. I will do this by precisely pointing out how it deceives you and why it is so extremely crucial to detach from it. Really grasping its nature and its consequences is the first step to weakening it. The endgoal is to fully develop a strong and authentic personality, which lets you live and enjoy life to the fullest, without being held back by a twisted sense of reality.

Three of the most common pieces of advice people will give you are ‘stop overthinking’, ‘just be yourself’ and ‘live in the moment’. These three are intrinsically linked together and are rightfully the perhaps most time tested pieces of advice around. However, it is so difficult to truly grasp the meaning of these principles and their importance to a fulfilling life, that most people never get there.

This is mainly due to them sounding so deceptively simple that people don’t stop and give much thought to what they really mean below the surface. After all, one of the rules is to not ‘overthink’. There is however a lot more to them that needs to be uncovered before they can be applied effectively and consistently.

In order to shed some light on this matter and why it is so crucial to understand and use these principles now and not tomorrow or next month, I am creating this series of articles going in depth into their whys and hows.

But before I dive into the main article, let me give you some tidbits:

1. First, the rule is called ‘don’t overthink’ and not ‘don’t think at all, ever’. People trying to meditate themselves into a thoughtless nirvana are simply delusional. It is natural for your brain to have activity.

2. Second, the harm overthinking does to you is severely underrated. It has a direct negative impact on the development of your personality. After years of overthinking you will be a fundamentally worse person than if you hadn’t done so. This impacts every single area of your life from who you date to who your friends are and what kind of job you have. Overcoming this is a lot more crucial than most people comprehend. You need to start now.

So without further ado, lets jump into the article.

1. Being Yourself – What does it mean exactly?

To start, lets look at the end goal of what is supposed to be achieved here. How are these three principles linked together and what do they actually mean?

Essentially, they mean the exact same thing. They describe a state of being in which you are supposedly your most happiest and your most fulfilled. A state in which your mind is not distracting you from the present moment, nor are your fears prohibiting you of being your real, raw self.

In this context being yourself means saying and doing what you intuitively feel, without holding back. There is no layer of thought between your instincts and your actions. No ‘Can I?’ or ‘Should I?’ or ‘What will they think?’. Nothing is popping into your mind before you act. You are just being your raw true self, acting on your instincts and emotions.

This is the most common way of viewing this state, as it is the state that makes us feel most alive. It is usually achieved when socializing, doing sports or being absorbed in a task that consumes you to the exact right degree. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi wrote an entire book about this called ‘Flow’.

Ofcourse it is not possible to always be in that zone. There will certainly be times where circumstances force you to do things that you really don’t want to do. You will likely have these moments every day, for the rest of your days. That’s life and that’s how it is.

While this is to be expected, it is important to understand how the voice in your head, or overthinking, will take the ability to be yourself and live an enjoyable life away from you.

The first way it does this is fairly simple to understand. By being stuck in your head, plaqued by a neverending train of thouhts, you cannot fully enjoy the moments you should be enjoying. But you absolutely need to be able to do so in order to energize yourself and actually make life worth it. Otherwise you are only doing the tough parts without the fun parts and life will slowly but surely, worst of all almost unnoticably, become duller and duller by the day. You will end up dying not really having lived at all.

This is the part that most people are aware of. It is also a relatively simple fix. You might just have a couple of drinks to relax, watch a movie or try your luck at meditation. But It being so easy is also its danger. You can end up living in a mode of constant overthinking most of the time, while telling yourself you can stop that habit at any point in the future and start living your life freely. Unfortunately, settling for this makes you miss the second problem long-term overthinking does to you.

The second problem is subtle. It is easy to dismiss as every single moment where it happens seems so insignificant. But add those moments up and the voice in your head will have led you to live a life way, and I am talking way, below its potential.

2. The voice in your Head – What it is, what it’s not

For the sake of this argument, lets say there are two types of thinking. Intentional and unintentional thinking.

Intentional Thinking

The good type is the intentional one. It is the type of thinking you apply consciously when you are faced with a problem that can be solved with reason. A typical example of these kind of problems are math questions, but they can really be any problem that have a logical solution. If something breaks down in your flat, you apply intentional thinking to look for a solution. If you want to contact a certain person, but you have no direct link to her, you might use intentional thinking to find a chain of people you can get that persons contact details through.

This is the type of thinking that it really pays off to be good at. The better you are at it, the more complex problems you can solve and the more simple life might be to you as a result.

There are two key points to intentional thinking that make it the good, useful type. One is that you have it under control. You can use it when you need it to solve a logical problem and you can stop using it when you don’t.
The other is that it is clearly seperate from your personality. It doesn’t reflect impulsive, negative feedback onto yourself.

As such, it does you no harm. You use it when you need it, you don’t when you don’t. And it has no negative influence on your character.

Unintentional thinking

The second, or bad type of thinking is unintentional, incessant thinking. It’s the type of thinking you can’t control. It controls you. It’s the type that we will refer to as the voice in your head.

Exactly how it develops is not quite clear, but it probably has a lot to do with how you were raised, especially in the early parts of your life.
The key word here is ‘develop’. When people are born they still act largely, or perhaps exclusively, on instinct and emotions. The voice in their head develops as they go through life and receive feedback on their actions, oftentimes from their parents.

The voice might start out as a simple ‘this is good’ or ‘this is bad’ but it can develop into a powerful ‘why am I so stupid?’ or ‘what will people think of me if I do this?’. The danger comes when it develops from a voice of utility that simply tells you not to touch a hot stove, to a voice that reflects everything on to your personality and self esteem. And it becomes even more dangerous when it becomes incessant, adding a layer of thought before everything you do. It’s most dangerous however, and borderline crazy, when you are not at all aware of it, but are blindly driven by it.

The sources of this voice are usually your fears and insecurities. You are afraid of doing something wrong, you are afraid of people thinking badly of you. And the voice in your head grows stronger and stronger in keeping you from doing and saying things that might get you hurt in some kind of way.
So any time you give in to that voice in your head telling you not to do something or not to say something, or perhaps even to feel a certain way about yourself, you are letting your fears and insecurities dictate your life.

What’s particularly tricky about it is that it will try and influence you in the form of excuses that sound so extremely believable. It’s really easy to interpret them as legitimate reasons. That’s why it’s common for people to mistake the voice in their heads with the intentional, perfectly valid way of thinking.
Consequently, the first step to getting over the the influence it has on you is to be able to tell apart its impulsive judgements from the reasonal, intentional thoughts you yourself proactively make.

How does this voice shape the development of your personality?

Your personality develops from experience. Everytime you experience something, you interpret that experience and draw conclusions from it. You adapt your behavior based on these conclusions. If the experience went unfavorable to you, you draw a conclusion about how you can adapt your behavior to make a similar situation go more favorable for you in the future. The worldview that you create is very dependent on how the string of experiences go that you encounter. And your behavior will also be influenced by this a lot. Even what you think and feel about the world will be shaped by your experiences. So it is easy to see how you will be a very different person depending on how the string of experiences that are your life goes.

So experiences and how you interpret them shape your personality. An experience can be interpreted in multiple different ways though, some good and some bad. More importantly, almost any experience is impossible to be interpreted correctly. By experiences I donˋt mean problems that have predictable, logical solutions you can use your intentional thinking to solve. Experiences don’t necessary have a solution or an interpretation, but the voice in your head will try to find one.

And there is the problem. If you are a person that for whatever reason has developed a strong voice in his head, that stems from your insecurities and tries to keep you away from doing and saying things that could hurt you emotionally, then the cycle of interpreting your experiences and adjusting your personality in order to better future similar experiences, will quite simply fuck you up.

Lets say you have a bad experience, but this experience was bad for reasons that are way outside of your control and for reasons that you would simply never know no matter how much you think about it. The best response to an experience like this is to not interpret it at all, since it is had absolutely nothing to do with you.
However, the voice in your head will mis-interpret this experience and reflect it on yourself. It will tell you it went badly becuase you are such a stupid/bad/unlikable/whatever person and you mess everything up. It will tell you that you are person that is bad at whatever the situation you experienced was. You wil learn that if possible avoid an experience like that and if unavoidable, be careful because you wil make a complete ass of yourself.

Now in the future, when you encounter a similar situation and you have at least unknowingly internalized the belief described above, the situation is likely to go just as bad or even worse. And the voice in your head will teld you ‘I told you so. This stuff is not for you. You probably suck at everything else to’

We can call this a downward spiral for the development path of your personality. It will strengthen the voice in your head more and more and simultaneously weaken your personality continuously. And it will all be based on a lie, so to speak. The voice in your head interpreted a situation that was impossible to interpret and falsly reflected it negatively on yourself. You negatively adjust your personality based on this and thus make future situations and their subsequent interpretations a lot worse than they should be.

Compare this to a different scenario. Suppose you simply don’t have that voice in your head, or at least, its not that strong. You have a bad experience but you intuitively know it has nothing to do with your self worth. You know that all conclusions you might make about yourself, while they do seem plausible, might just as well be completely wrong. You intuitively know this and the voice in your head is not there or it is not strong enough to distract you. You go through this experience without making any judgement about yourself. As such you don’t make any adjustments to your personality and your behavior. Your personality is not weakend in the slightest but it is still whole. You intuitively learn that you can go through these situations without feeling bad about yourself and without any negative repercussions for your self esteem. You keep on living your live and your future experienes are not skewed based on wrong adjustments you made about yourself. Instead of iteratively breaking your personality down, life has the effect of slowly but surely strengthen your personality because you go through tough situations unharmed.

I think its clear how being on one path for lets say 10 years will lead to a significantly better and stronger personality than being on the overthinking path for the same amount of time. Here lies the true danger of overthinking, or in other words, being attached to the voice in your head. It will continually break down your personality. And worst of all, it will simply falsely do so. The world view you will have created, the one in which you have low self esteem and are not worth much, is simply an illusion.
Living in this illusion, in which you are going through life believing your an unworthy person, can hardly be called fulfilling. And sooo many people are unknowingly stuck in this. You might know the situation where you meet a person, who by your world view should be no better than you. But this person never built this negative belief system about himself and you can tell his life is way better for it than yours.

This makes overthinking so rediculously dangerous. You think you are trying to make the right decisions but in doing so, you make the exact wrong ones. One after another. And you loose all your confidence.

There is another bad impact from this though. If you are in a situation where you do not need your intentional thinking, like lets say a social situation, it is important to turn of your thoughts completely. Only this way you can truly enjoy yourself in the moment.

Beung attached to the voice in your head means trying to avoid getting hurt. But most situations wouldnt hurt you if you dont have that voice falsly reflecting them on you. So ignore it.
And in any case thats not the right way to learn from getting hurt. You are not supposed to learn to avoid getting hurt ,you are supposed to be able to learn being able to deal with it. And ideally even get stronger from it. But you rob yourself of these opportunities by avoiding them. But everything that can really make you happy can potentially really hurt you. If you only go for things that cant really hurt you, they also can’t really make you happy.

Note:This post is not finished yet. Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for more!

How to Identify the Right Company for You to Join

In my last post I took a critical look at the emplyee – employer dynamic from the employees perspective. I investigated what you as an employee can do to make the ‘work’ part of your life more rewarding and presented a simple, yet powerful shift in mindset to make this happen. Now that you have taken your side of the bargain into account, lets take a look at what makes an employer a good one so you can tell apart good companies from the bad ones.

1. Does the Company Have a Legitimate Business Case?

The very first question you have to ask yourself when looking at a company is whether the company really has a legitimate business case or if it may as well be shut down. This sounds harsh, but it is true. Companies that are not actually doing anything worthwile should simply call it a day.

Companies that do it right

So what do I mean by legitimate business case? Simply put, a company needs to add something useful to the world. That is what a company is supposed to do at its core. Companies that do that are usually in a good place. Since they are offering something that people really want and need, those people will gladly pay for that. This gives the company stable cash flows, which means they can hire and keep around good people and give them a decent work-life-balance. Good people have smart ways of doing things which adds to the overall culture of the company. Working at these type of companies is a very satisfying experience. Peoples moods are generally better, the work itself feels more fulfilling and the work-life-balance is usually better. All of this is based on the fact that the company is doing what a company is supposed to do: Adding something to the world that makes the world a better place.

Companies that get it wrong

Contrary to that, there are companies that dont really add anything valuable to the world. Usually these companies were initially created with the main ambition of making some money. The objective of adding something of value to the world is secondary at best, but usually non-existent. This type of companies are founded in order to extract value without giving something in return.

But why would you as an employee care about this? The main thing is they are able to pay you your salary right?

Ofcourse it is not that simple. The fact that these companies have no real value to give creates certain dynamics in the workplace that you as an employee will definitely notice in a very unpleasent way. Since the company doesnt have something inherently valuable to offer, people will be less willing to spend money for it. This means the company is constantly short on cash which puts it in a modus operandi of constantly scrapping for money. In order to cut costs it will employ as few employees as it can and pay them as little as possible. This means for you that on top of having low pay, you will be doing multiple peoples job and thus be more stressed out.

The work itself will feel very unfulfilling too. Since people don’t have good reasons to buy their products or services, the company has to give them bad reasons to do so. They will bombard them with marketing and sales campaigns to try and get them to buy something they don’t really need. If possible, they will also try to lock the customers into long running contracts, occasionally using shady schemes.

Think about it like this: If there is no inherently good reason for customers to pay for a companies services, then on some level the company has to trick customers into doing just that. This type of work is not fun. Every person in the office will at least subconsciously sense this, making the atmosphere generally dull.
And trust me, you do not want to waist your time getting bad pay for a stressful job where you are busy trying to trick people into paying for something they really shouldnt pay for, while being surrounded by discontentful people every day.

2. Consider the Industry

I will touch on this point fairly briefly as it is quite simple. Some industries are new, exciting and growing with a lot of money being thrown around. This makes working more fun, since there are more opportunities and people are more willing to spend money on them. A good example is the tech industry. This industry is thriving, so companies are generally speaking in a better position financially and can offer a good work environment whether you are a developer or work in marketing or HR.
Contrary to this, imagine working in an industry that is on its way out. Companies will generally speaking be in a worse place, which creates many of the unfavorable workplace dynamics mentioned earlier.
As a last point, different industries will usually attract different type of people. The automotive industry will attract people that are into cars to at least some degree, while the beauty industry will attract its own type of people. If you want to work along like minded people, join an industry that you have an intrinsic interest in if possible.

3. Company Types

Now that you are aware of workplace dynamics created by the state of a particular industry and whether or not the company has a legitimate business case or not, lets look at different types of companies so you can decide which will be best for you.

Startups and NGOs

Describing these types of companies in one sentence one might call them ‘purpose-driven but chaotic, as well as full of opportunities’. They are companies in their purest form, built to solve a concrete issue that currently exists in the world. Both startups and NGOs have similar characteristics which are usually driven by the facts that a) they are reliant on outside money that is mostly short and b) their cause is to solve real problems that actually need fixing.

Lets start with the cons these dynamics create. Being dependent on outside money usually also means being low on cash, so salaries are typically lower. This means businesses usually don’t have the luxury to hire every employee they need, so existing employees might be doing one and a half peoples jobs which creates the occasional (or permanent) need to work overtime. The chaotic and fast-paced environment that is created by needing to reach goals to attract new money is also not for everybody. Lastly, there is always the risk of eventually running out of business, especially in the early stages.

While these cons sound alarming, working in a startup or NGO will not come without its benefits ofcourse. You will be surrounded by inspiring and purpose driven people who place more value on actually improving the world over simply making money. The amount of things you will learn is also way higher, since you will be forced to wear many different hats and at times slip into different roles. You will have the possibility to reach more senior positions a lot sooner compared to traditional companies, so it can be a good way to kickstart your career. The atmosphere around work will be more exciting since everybody knows that you are currently either attempting something that has never been done before, or you are working together to face a serious environmental or social issue. In a startup the thrill of potentially becoming rich can add another level of excitment to your daily work-life.

While there is never a bad time to join a startup or NGO, it makes particular sense if you are young, eager to learn a lot and make a change in the world, without yet having the responsibility of raising a family. Also, if you ever aspire to become an entrepreneur, joining a startup will give you hands on experience.

Established Companies

Once a company has managed to fufill its purpose and establish its place in the world, the workplace dynamics change a lot. Money is no longer an issue, but the original purpose of the company has already been fulfilled, so now what?

Companies in this phase no longer have the mission to create something new and exciting. Now it’s about defending it’s position in the market against competitors that want a piece of the cake which the company itself has initially created. It’s about adapting to changes in the world in order to keep the company working. So the day to day work at an established company will be inherently different from a startup or an NGO.

First of, there will simply be a different feel around the company. The vibrancy and excitment of the startup phase will be gone. The company will have become a lot more structured and less dynamic. People will have more clearly defined roles and jobs will be less multidimensional. Leadership positions will be harder to come by since the company is not growing as quickly so new positions are no longer created and filled on the fly. People wanting to make a move upward frequently have to wait for the position above them to become available. Also, in case the company is still determined to grow even further after fulfilling its cause, it might have to get ‘creative’ in order to do so since the original challenge is already solved. This can lead to work that feels a lot less purpose driven and more like you are trying to create growth just for the sake of it, not because you are solving an important issue. If employees are frequently complaining about senseless tasks and are wandering about why the company decides to do certain things, it is usually stuck in this mode. Contrary to that the why is never unclear in a startup or NGO.

The flipside to these cons is that there will be a lot more security. The company will be making steady income from the product or service it has created, so it will usually not be in scrap mode anymore trying to make ends meat. High pressure and overtime will subsequently be less frequent. The company can afford to hire most people it needs and pay them higher salaries. It can offer more perks to attract higher quality employees. Overall, these places can offer a better work-life-balance and a more stable work environment.

Due to these characteristics established companies attract people who love security and stability and want to enjoy a good work-life-balance. While established companies usually also have good development programs for young people to join their company, doing so is especially sensible if you are looking to settle down and start a family.


The third type of company that we are going to look at are consultancies. They are fundamentally different from the prior company types. They don’t have an actual cause or product to improve the world and make a difference. Instead, they specialize in specific skills and expertise which they offer to support other companies with. As such, when you join a consultancy you don’t necessary identify with a certain cause or product, but rather with a certain skill or field of knowledge. You will be seen as an expert in what you do and companies will call on you to help them improve certain areas of your business.
Since consultancies don’t actually have a product to sell, they effectively sell human labour or in other words, the amount of hours that you as a consultant are staffed on a client project.

The good news is that by working at a consulting firm you will get the opportunity to really sharpen your skills. Since the firm is selling your work directly to the customer, they will be very keen to train you so you yourself become a valuable product. This is not only restricted to hard skills either. Soft skills play a huge role in a consultants job. You have to be able to present yourself well and communicate clearly in order to maintain good client relationships. On top of that, consultancies usually get their work through project pitches, so their consultants have to be extremely good at convincing other people. Obviously not everybody is great at this from the get go, so consultancies will train their new people up on these soft skills too.

Besides gaining skills, you wil have the opportunity to gain a lot of very varied work experience. You will be in touch with many different clients from different industries, without having to commit to one specific one. So in a relatively short period of time you can learn a lot of skills and really broaden your knowledge.

These traits make consultancies a very interesting option when you are fresh out of university and are eager to learn valuable skills and better your understanding of the working world. There will be a lot of youngsters joining for these reasons so chances are you will be around plenty of like-minded people.

Additionally, consulting can be a viable choice for mid and later stages of your career, not just for the early ones. At least if you work for mainly financial reasons that is. Whether there is room for you to eventually be promoted into higher positions is dependent on whether or not you you can bring in new business in the form of projects or clients. This is something you yourself can influence directly. You might have to work hard and build a solid network of potential leads, but you are not condemned to wait for a leadership position to become available as is the case in conventional companies.

These pros come at a cost ofcourse. The biggest one being the one thing that consultancies are most known for: Long working hours. Your work is what the company sells, so the more hours you work the more hours the company can charge for and the more profit it makes.

Work is not only long but also stressfull. In order to convince a client to pay for the consulting firms services, they frequently promise a lot of results in a short period of time. Results that can only be achieved through huge efforts by the consultants themselves. Furthermore, clients don’t want to pay for inefficient consultants, so you really are under pressure to perform at your best consistently. In a traditional company, if you have a day without anything todo, the company will still be selling their products. But in consulting, if you are not working on a client project, you are costing the firm money without bringing in any. So every single consultant is under constant pressure to either work or bring in new projects to staff other consultants on.

Lastly, consulting firms don’t have a real cause they fulfill as a company. So there is nothing to identify with outside of skill, prestigue and money. In junior positions people join for skills and experience. But once you have passed this stage, which usually happens in the first 2-5 years, the only thing left to work for is money and prestigue. People who stay on after this point are usually primarily self absorbed. Their reason to work is usually strictly financial or the need to prove themselves and gain social status.
Its not wrong at all to work for these reasons, but they are mainly selfish. So keep in mind that if you are looking for a work experience that gives you the joy of being part of something greater than yourself, consulting is usually not it. If you are looking to achieve purely individual accolades that translate to a lot of money, this might be the way to go.

All in all, joining a consulting firm is a good choice at a young age, when you are eager to learn and gain heaps of experience. If you notice that you miss the feeling of identifying with a cause or you are not willing to tolerate long working hours anymore, it is time to leave. The good news is that due to your usually well regarded work experience as a consultant, you should have little difficulties finding a job to your liking. And if you place a large emphasis on money and prestigue, you can always (re-)enter consulting at a later point in your career.

Private Equity owned companies

The last type of companies that are worth briefly touching on are private equity owned companies. These are usually companies that are struggling or underperforming in some way and are subsequently acquired by a private equity firm. The private equity firm does so with the goal of increasing the acquired companies profitability through targeted investments and then selling it at a higher price. In short, they buy a struggling company at a low price, make some adjustments to it and sell it at a profit. It is important to know that the private equity firm owning the company has no real interest in the company itself, or its people or the cause that it stands for. They literally only want to buy and sell it to make a quick buck.

This makes them a tricky place to work at, becasue similar to startups they have outside pressure to consistently grow so the investors can get their money back. Contrary to startups however, they have not set out to offer a groundbraking new product to the world. So these companies can usually not grow through purpose-driven innovation but often have to rely on cutting costs or driving more revenue through marketing gimmicks. Contrary to established, well running companies they also can’t choose to simply work on keeping market position and rely on their already existing revenues.

In my opinion, working in a private equity owned company is not advisable. Exceptions to this rule exist ofcourse. A company might have potential to become a legitimate, well running business but is simply mismanaged at the time. In these cases a private equity firm can help in restructuring the business and improve management processes. But in most cases, these firms will simply not have a solid business case but still have to enforce growth in order for their investors to make a quick buck.


So whether you are young and looking for your first job or you are at a later stage in your career looking for a change, it is important to understand the factors that will lead to a work experience you can perceive as satisfactory. Luckily there are plenty of options out there and if you go about it strategically, chances are you will find a company that suits your goals and ambitions in the current stage of your life.

The Right Reasons to Join a Company

Joining a company for the right vs the wrong reasons will make a huge difference to your satisfaction at work and life in general. Read on to find out why a simple but fundamental misunderstanding about work leads to so much discomfort around your work life.

Tired of your job?

Are you wandering why you feel little motivation for your job? Does working tire you out so much it gets hard to enjoy your free time? Is the thought ‘I hate my job’ constantly circulating in your brain?

Maybe you have been thinking about what work actually is all wrong. Here is an alternative and more realistic perspective to achieve happiness in the workplace and thus a more fulfilling life.

Lets face it. Work is a huge part of our lives. Most of our social interactions are during work. Most of our energy and waking hours are used for work. It is absolutely crucial to get this part of your life right if you want to have any shot at a well rounded and fulfilling life. However, work is also the part of life that most commonly leads to discomfort and dissatisfaction, as most people stuggle to find a job they are happy with. One often overlooked cause of this is a fundamentally wrong outlook on what work actually is and what can be expected from it.

What is Work, really?

The flawed but common view

So to start this discussion, here is how people commonly view work:

I hate my job. I give you time and effort, you give me money. I don’t want to be here and I really don’t want to work for you, but I do it because I need you to give me some money. And while we are at it, please give me a good work-life-balance and good career perspectives too. Just don’t expect me to put in too much of an effort.

So whats so wrong about this? Isn’t it normal to go for the most output for minimum input? Isn’t that human nature?

If you view it this way, work really does feel like work and nothing else. You might be lucky and have pleasent coworkers and reasonable working hours, but at the end of the day it is still just work. It is something you do not want to do, but you do it because someone pays you for it and you need the money. This perspective on work is kind off selfish. You only do it because you want to get something out of it. Basically, you want the company to work for you instead of you wanting to work for the company. This point of view entirely misses the point of what a company actually is and thus how you should view your role in it.

A new Perspective

So if work is not something you regrettably have to do to make money, what is it?

I am not a big fan of the german language, but in this case it clearly paints a better picture than its english counterpart. For starters, the german word for job actually comes from the word “a calling”. Furthermore, the german word for company can be translated as “a cause”. These words more accurately describe what the thing we call work today was originally intended to be. Essentially, every company is a collective of people that come together to pursue a certain cause. And each persons job is to help in the pursuit of that cause.

If you think about it this way, it becomes clear why the way most people regard work nowadays is counterproductive and frequently leads to a very noticable rift between employer and employee. On a sidenote: This is most prevalent in people from generations Y and Z. For some reason, we have a false and completely unfunded sense of entitlement in just about every aspect of life. In essense, we expect to receive without being willing to give. We want a job with good pay, good career perspectives, flexible working hours and cool team events while only being willing to put in a bare minimum effort. Why the current generations have ended up this way is surprisingly understandable and a very interesting discussion indeed, but not in the scope of this article.

Understand the misunderstanding

So lets get back on topic: Companies basically exist to fulfill a cause or a purpose and they are looking for people eager to help them along. But these people are not looking at it from that perspective. They are not looking to join a cause and help and support it with their contributions. They are looking for a place they can extract the most benefit from while putting in the least amount of input possible. Taking into account these very conflicting interests it becomes clear where the rift between employer and employee comes from. While the people running the businesses complain about the complete lack of motivation and accountbility of the young employees they hire, these employees are confused about why their bosses are so serious about their job thinking “Aren’t we all just here to get paid and go home?”.

For the time being, lets ignore who is more in the right and who is more in the wrong. Ofcourse there are always two sides to a coin and a lot more sides to a complex issue like this. But lets focus on the employees perspective for now and on what people who are consistently discontent with their work life can do to improve it. It is important to have a complete shift away from that toxic mindset of getting as much as possible from the company while giving little to no effort. Be realistic: Why would anyone hire you over a person who is willing to put in a decent effort?

What to do about It?

So lets get to the point: Whether you are a millenial or generation Z or really any other generation, what are some practical tips you can use to go about your career and generally find more happiness and less discomfort in it?

A shift in mindset

As mentioned before, the key thing that has to happen is a complete shift in mindset. Get away from viewing work as something you are forced to do in order to get some of the things you need (ie a salary). That view will simply never lead to a satisfying work environment. Neither for you, nor for your employer.
Instead, view companies as causes you can apply to join and help out on. When looking at a company, try to figure out exactly what this company is doing and what it stands for at its core. Then ask yourself if this is a cause that you want to help and support. If the answer is yes, apply. If it is no, be honest and move on. There are a lot of things to consider when choosing a company this way and I will go more in depth about this in the next article. For now, just adopt the mindset of you helping out on a cause instead of you trying to use a company primarily for your own advantage.

How this will help you

Increased engagement

There are a few things that will happen when you adopt this mindset. First and foremost you will not view each hour spent at work as a waste of time. Each hour spent at work will be an hour used to support a cause that you believe in at some level. This alone will already put you more at ease and remove a lot of the discomfort you feel about working. On the same note, the occasional overtime that you will inevitably need to work every once in a while will be a lot more bearable.
If you come to work aiming to help the cause along you will simply perform better, even though you feel less stressed. You will address issues you see, instead of ignoring them to avoid work. You will proactively improve the workplace by fixing inefficiencies you see in processes. You will feel more connected to the other employees, because you see them as partners of the same cause and not as generic coworkers. Your relationships with your supperiors will increase immensly. They will see you as an important participant of the cause who is eager to support. It might mean you occasionally work a little longer than when your aim was solely to minimize your effort, but you will get repayed for this in some shape or form almost certainly. Your employer will be a lot more willing to show more flexibility to ensure you are a happy camper. He or she will be less stingy when it comes to promotions and salary increases and overall, your experience at work and your resulting quality of life will be a much more positive one.

Give and receive

Keep in mind however that this does not mean you should give up everything for the company. Ofcourse you should have healhy work-life-balance. Companies should want their employees to have this, else it will be impossible for them to feel motivated for work over a long period of time, no matter how strongly they identify with the companies cause. And if you go to work with the right attitude, you will be surprised how the company will be eager to keep you happy and thus around. Just keep in mind that first you have to give in order to recive.

Increased ownership of your contribution

Besides more strongly identifying with your company and finding more enjoyment in your labor, there is another benefit to taking this point of view that is equally profound and important. Since you are now joining a cause in order to help it, you must ask yourself the following question: How can i help it?
A popular cause will naturally attract a lot of people who will want to join in and support, but the company will not have the money or the need for every single one of them. So they will only hire those people who they feel will help them the best and most equivalently to their needs and financial resources.
So if you are trying to find your place in the working world, it is important to develop yourself in a way that you can provide a lot of help to causes you believe in. In other words, it is important you learn helpful skills, whether they are soft or hard. This is where education comes in. It is crucial to find a skill or a field of knowledge that offers a good overlap between where your interests lie, where your strengths lie and whether or not it is a sought after skill.


So to sum up: Think about the work market as a collection of causes that you can help. Then ask yourself which causes you want to help, and how you can help them. Learn skills you can support with and off you go!

This is a very simple shift in mindset that is guranteed to improve your life, especially if you adopt it early on. Imagine a world in which you have learned a skill that you enjoy doing and you can use it daily to help a cause you belive in. Ofcourse there will be good times and bad times, but the good ones will be really good and the bad ones will not really be all that bad.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying this is an easy state to achieve. It requires a lot of effort spent on learning and a lot of trial and error in finding a situation that is really right for you. But knowing this dynamic will help you put your current situation into context and understand why it might feel the way it does. And once you start applying this way of thinking and you find a situation that really works for you as much as you work for it, you can be sure to have made a massive gain in life satisfaction.

Last note: These two questions of which cause to help and how to help it might be simple to ask, but not easy to answer. So In my next articles I will discuss how to identify good causes or companies that suit you, as well as how to identify in what way you yourself can best support them.